Don’t Tread on Me!

This is theme of the present day Patriot movement. They believe it is their inalienable right to oppose tyranny, at the force of arms if necessary. AND that God will sanction their Revolution! They are fully awake to Government conspiracy and can quote chapter and verse thousands of Documents, memos, white papers, legislation and numerous other facts and figures pertaining to the New World Order. They’re intelligent in the ways of the world, cunning and courageous for their cause. To them it’s God and Country, Red, White, and Blue, to the Death!

Yet at the same time they are entirely DUPED by a bunch of slick talking preachers who are leading them down the path of Liberty in God’s Name. They have NO Discernment whatsoever to uncover the False Deadly Doctrines keeping them in bondage to the Passion of their Flesh and Serving Sin. That’s why most of them War according to the flesh, are foul mouthed, name callers, expressing extreme anger at their adversaries and are totally wrapped up in worldly endeavors. To them Salvation in Christ is merely another dimension of their lives that adds some creditability to the cause. People are more app to follow them if they can be made to believe that America was founded on ‘Christian’ Principles by ‘godly’ men.

Thus they see Paul, Peter, John and the early Christians as Patriot Activists, protesting the tyranny of Rome. They make the Scriptures FIT into their assumptions. It’s NOT Paul opposing the False Teachers over Doctrinal errors blaspheming the Way of Truth. NO! It’s Paul confronting the Kings and other leaders who want to take away his liberty. When Jesus Cleansed the temple of the money changers, he was disposing of the Jewish Bankers ‘federal reserve’ system of the day! And the ONLY Government we are to obey is those who Obey God! That’s how far they will twist the Bible and the people eat it up.

One thing to their credit however is the fact they do recognize the Reprobated Condition of the Churches. Although it’s NOT for their adherence to False Doctrines that promote sin, but for their Cowardice in failure to oppose the corrupted Government. They constantly accuse them of using Romans 13 to persuade the people to lay down to tyranny and wait for Jesus to Return to bail them out. The disagreement has Nothing to do with teaching people the fallacies of Original Sin or Transferred Righteousness but that they are Sheep like minions deceived by the New World Order.

Since the focal Point of the Patriot Gospel is Standing up against the forces of Tyranny a question that desperately needs to be addressed is: WHO is at Fault for the Present Day Mess in our Society. Simplistically the collective answer would have to be: a Corrupted Government gone Rouge! This is confirmed by listening to announcers like Alex Jones and others who come on his program. To them every ill of society, from top to bottom can be traced back to the despot conspirators who want to establish a New World Order with them in control of everything on the planet. Therefore the Apostate nature of the churches can also be attributed to the overall conspiracies. SO the Patriot Ministers Preach & Teach the exact SAME Doctrines as the rest, while they accuse others of falling prey to the NWO.

Then WHOSE Fault is it? Would the Government had stepped in and taken control of our social services had the Churches been doing their Jobs? Would evil men and imposters have been elected to high office and stole our heritage had the Preachers been demanding a Real Repentance PROVEN by Deeds? How could the churches hold a Standard of morality when they are telling everyone you can be ‘Saved’ in their sin!? You Can’t just blame the evil people in positions of authority. They are only doing what comes Natural to them, being held in Sway by Satan. Isn’t the Gospel Supposed to Turn Man from the Power of Satan to the Power of God??? (Acts26:18) It Certainly isn’t happening anywhere I can see.

First the WALL of Separation Came Down. To attract more members the Churches went soft and in vented a Message that sells to the masses. The Result was inevitable. A Society given over to reprobated Minds. How can the Government only be blamed for ‘Grabbing’ the children into a system of abuse, as the Patriots claim? WHOSE job was it to take care of these Children to begin with!!!? What can the System do, let them run wild on the streets while their unwed parents wallow in drugs, sex and alcohol like animals? These people aren’t Suddenly going to become Responsible human beings and raise them properly. The Churches are telling them nothing they do matters anyway, so why should they care if the System destroys the children. You FIGHT back by getting Married for life! Taking Care of your children! And living a CLEAN, MORAL life in spite of a corrupted Government. YOU have most potential influence on your Children and your homes, not the Government. Train them up in Godliness and PROTECT them from the World! Get your own Lives in line with God and STOP Pretending to be Christians.

Only a Genuine Repentance will salvage this Mess. On the Scale of Nineveh! All the finger pointing and name calling will prove nothing while the people continue to get ‘Saved’ in their Sins. Someone may have Conservative politics and some moral values (compared to others) but still be wholly under the spirit of error in their church. They are still BLIND to the Doctrinal Lies causing all these problems. You’re not going to fix this mess by voting for the right people. It’s too far gone. The people had plenty of opportunity  in the past to slow down the decay. Instead they dove into it head first, STARTING with the Churches!

Consider the generation that came home from WWII after defeating the Nazi’s and imperialism of Japan. The world should have entered into a Golden age of Liberty! Millions had been liberated from the forces of tyranny and given a second chance in life. But instead of moving toward the Light they went immediately back under the Iron Curtain of Communism. What an opportunity they had to create a New World of equality and Justice! Instead they ignored the trends and scoffed at all the warnings and setup a Welfare State. Were they warned? YES! A few lone voices tried to sound the alarm and engage the ‘Christian’ base, but they Slept on in their comfortable little churches believing Jesus was coming soon to take them home.

So the Government expanded into a Monster, stretching its tentacles into every realm of daily life. They took control of the Schools, Colleges, health care system, news media and industry. Nothing was beyond their grasp. All the Top people elected to Office were hand selected through a series of committees with specific agendas toward the final take over of the World. Like the Charlatan Preachers they were slick and cunning, dolling out government goodies. (like crumbs off the Masters table!) The people practically worshiped them and grabbled for more! It didn’t matter that they Supported abortion on demand, Gay marriage, and a thousand more social services designed to destroy families and disrupt lives. People ignored the telltale signs of immoral reputations and under-handed dealing. The Politics of the person were MORE important than the substance of their Character!

As a result they took Control of the County and began to dismantle our institutions one by one. But WHAT did the people do? PARTIED ON and kept electing them to high Office! So WHOSE really to blame? You have Exactly the kind of Society you yourselves Created! Is ANYONE going to Repent and Start OBEYING the Bible? Not likely. The Patriots THINK they are obeying it now. But another blood bath in the Name of Liberty is NOT what this World needs. It will accomplish Nothing in the long run. And neither will getting ‘your people’ elected to office bring any significant and lasting change. What you really need to do is Set up your Brave New World, but leave God OUT of it. WHY? Because ‘REAL CHRISTIANS’ are NOT of this World!

The SAINTS are the STONE the Builders have Rejected! A Royal Priesthood and holy Nation called to Proclaim the Praises of HIM who called them Out of Darkness into His Marvelous Light! They are Sojourners (foreigners, strangers) Pilgrims. Looking for a New Heaven and New Earth where Righteousness dwells! The Real People of Faith travel the land looking for the City which has the Solid foundation whose builder and maker is God. Throughout history these ‘non-posers’, suffered at the hands of evil men. They were Stoned, sawn in two, tempted, butchered, made destitute and afflicted. Wandering about in deserts and mountains, dens and caves of the earth. These men and women of WHOM the World was NOT worthy died in Faith obtaining a GOOD testimony from God!

That’s why your Patriot Movement will never succeed. God’s people are NOT trying to establish a Worldly Kingdom of freedom and Justice for all. But a Spiritual one of Purity and Righteousness toward God! Your new Government (if you could establish one) would be packed with the exact same type of hypocrites your battling now. They would eventually compromise and sell out to the same influences for more power. History Proves it. I know Nothing could convince you otherwise, that God is on your side, guiding you down the Path of Liberty and blessing your efforts. But according to the Bible, HE has NOTHING to do with any of this. His Desire is Cleary defined in that He wishes all people everywhere to Repent and follow Christ into the New Kingdom. (Acts17:30-31, 1Tim2:4)
Man determines his own Destiny. Providence allows you to follow after the Choices you have made in life.
The End Game belongs to God, at the Great Judgment. You can Win the War and remain Void of any Real Truth. Just as you can give your body to burned and profit nothing. The Precepts of Christ are Simple, Meekness and lowliness of heart. When we stand before the Pilates of this World, as He did, we follow in His footsteps. When He suffered, He did Not threaten, When reviled He did Not retaliate, but Committed Himself to HIM who Judges Righteously!

EVERY Apostle met the SAME Fate and Committed themselves to God. Millions more true believers have followed their example throughout history. For the Present Day American Patriot Movement to portray these people as Freedom fighters opposing tyranny is a Disgrace to their memory. They were the heroes of FAITH defending the Truth! NOT taking up Arms to dispose of tyrants. Take an honest look at history and the Book of ACTS! You Won’t find any of these Saints Bull horning the authorities and calling anyone Scumbags, but you will find them Dying for doing nothing more than Preaching the Truth of Jesus!

They would NOT have laid down to the Nazi’s or the Communists or anyone for that matter. Neither would they have taken up arms for any government if ordered to do so! You DON’T Kill your fellow man then tell him that Jesus is your Lord. Your Patriotic fervor is being miss-directed mixing it with Christian Principles. I know that Virtue sells to a certain segment of the population, but associating yourselves with Ministers preaching the SAME Doctrinal Errors of the Churches you accuse of cowardice, is backward logic! The only difference between you and them, is YOU expose the NWO and encourage people to take action against it. Otherwise you Preach the Same Gospel as they do, based on the Same fallacies of Original Sin, Moral Transfer, Sins forgiven in advance and eternal security. Thus Salvation, across the board and without exception, takes place ‘IN YOUR SINS!’

And that Pleases those of you in the Patriot Movement JUST as Much as it satisfies the false Pastors you accuse of laying down to tyranny. It serves both purposes to the utmost. Men like Jones can launch into his frequent tirades and call it Preaching! His adherents can take to the streets in civil upheaval that has NOTHING to do with the Truth of Christ and all the foul mouthed, vile hearted celebrities can pass themselves off as Christians fighting for Justice.

So HOW is the average Church attendee, sitting under his phony Pastor waiting for the Rapture any Different? YOU are ALL living TOTALLY for the indulgence of the Flesh. You only differ in your pursuits. The counterfeit Church wants a Gospel that excuses all their sins and the Patriots want to Use God as their Banner to March into battle. NEITHER is the Gospel of Christ, but None of them are going to Stop Sinning, Repent and FOLLOW the Teachings of Jesus!  

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