When Your Obedience is Fulfilled!

and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. 2Cor10:6

‘ Judge Not!’ Matt7:1, Every Professing Christian in the System today has this verse down pat. They cower behind it like a shield to excuse their sins. One hypocrite dare not Judge another hypocrite for doing something THEY themselves are doing! And that’s the bases of this fallacy. But Jesus is speaking of hypocritical judgment, NOT Righteous Judgment. (John7:24) In such cases the Bible speaks in this manner: ‘The Spiritual man Judges all things, yet he himself is rightly Judged by no man’ 1Cor2:15.

But this will only Work when ‘Your obedience is fulfilled!’ As long as professing Christians believe doctrines that absolve them as helpless sinners ‘saved’ by Grace, this excuse will reign paramount. No one is going to point out the sins of others when they can be accused of doing the same things. The Message has everyone ‘Saved in their sins’ and the Doctrines defend them. Therefore discernment is non-existent and the spirit of error is in full control. The foregone Conclusion is that NO amount of immoral behavior will disqualify anyone from the Kingdom.

Such Directives given by Christ Himself as Matt18:15-17, in dealing with a sinning brother are entirely ignored. Violators are emboldened instead of admonished and there’s no chance of anyone repenting of their vile deeds. (why should they?) Sins of Disqualification were a serious matter in early times. The offender was turned over the Satan! (1Cor5:5, 1Tim1:20) If there was any possibility of them Repenting of their vile deeds, it had to be through a season of godly sorrow and clearing before they could be restored to fellowship. The prospects of a second Repentance however was not always a given, as it is in the ‘sin repent, sin repent’ churches of today. They understood Heb6 & 10 in a literal sense and the great difficulty of someone passing through the bitter sorrow of a second repentance.

Sinning in such Vile manner as sexual immorality was Trampling the Blood and Insulting the Spirit of Grace! The Greater Condemnation applied because Grace Raised the Standard of holiness, not lowered it.
The Church had to Police itself in these situations. A little Leaven leavens the whole lump! (1Cor5:6) You allow one offense to go unpunished and you lower the standard for everyone. These kind of things are not to be Named among people who profess to follow God! (Eph5:5-7) The Wrath of God comes upon the Sons of Disobedience. Share in their sins by silently condoning them and you partake of their guilt.

Real Love does not overlook Sin nor does it suppose that Grace has everyone Covered. It Speaks the Truth (in love) despite the consequences. But it Cannot speak out of hypocrisy! Unless YOU have Departed from Iniquity (2Tim2:19) your words are in Vain. ‘When your obedience is fulfilled’ the passage says. But as the Chief Sinner and Romans Wretch (as your doctrines teach) it’s impossible for any of this to be fulfilled. You think that rebuking sin is ‘Judging’ and Pastor says we can’t do that because we are all ‘sinners’ saved by Grace. So he continues to tickle your ears with the fallacies you love to hear.

Most Professing Christians today remain in a fog. They do not have a Sound Mind based on the Power of God. These things are taught to them but have no real impact on their conduct because the ‘Doctrines’ explain everything away. That’s why people can Read the Bible (over and over again) but derive no Truth from its pages. They are drowning in a flood of Strong Delusion coming out of the Pulpits, Seminaries, books and study materials. To unravel the fallacies requires a diligent understanding of a wide range of Biblically related knowledge. When your comprehension is limited to whatever the Pastor has to say you could literally memorize large portions of Scripture and STILL be Deceived. Scholarship is no assurance of spiritual understanding. Reams of books are written by our PhD’s that are nothing more than noisy rhetoric.

The ‘Spiritual man’ can Judge all things because he is NOT taught of men! (1Jh2:27) He is Grieved and Saddened when sin abounds and the people are lost in deception. He cannot sit by silently and allow them to drop into the pit without at least making an attempt to WARN them of the impending danger. He knows that without holiness no one will see the Lord. (Heb12:14) His ‘Judgments’ are not vindictive, neither is he self righteous in his quest. He has Broken the Conditioning of the False Teachers and the LIGHT of Truth is blazing in his heart! The Word is a burning fire shut up inside your bones! (Jer20:9)

Failure to Warn the Righteous and the Wicked that Sin will Destroy them (Ezk18) is an offense that will cost you your own soul! You dare not shrink from this important responsibility, God is Watching.

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