Counting the Cost, Again!

And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish I, Luke14:27-28

The Present Day Church System is in shambles and under Strong Delusion. ONLY those who Come out of her have any chance of enduring on the
Narrow Way
into the Kingdom and avoiding the error of the Wicked. If you are so Blind that none of these things even stir you into action it’s not likely there is any hope of final redemption in your future. The first step for those of you awake or ‘slightly’ awake is to exit the Churches and begin Counting the Cost of Real Discipleship.

Jesus said a number of times that following Him meant Taking up your own Cross, Denying yourself and leavening your old life behind. Among the many things He said is ‘Putting your hand to the Plow and not looking back’, ‘Striving to Enter by the Narrow Gate’ and ‘Enduring to the end’ amid all adversity. Most of you are very familiar with these passages recorded in the Gospels. HOWEVER they have lost much of their impact because of the incessant pounding of the false teachers pushing the Substitution Doctrine. Therefore even among those who claim to ‘see the light’, confusion remains as to what it means to cut your ties with the World.

First of all you must understand that ‘Friendship with the World is enmity with God’ (Js4:4) When you bind yourself to worldly endeavors it’s the same as committing adultery in God’s eyes. Therefore it requires great care and watching to continue relationships with past friends, family members and working associates. Cutting your ties with the old life means a radical change in disposition and attitudes toward the things of the world. Like the original disciples you should have NOTHING in Common with these people. YES, Jesus dined with sinners, but He DID NOT partake in their amusements or revelry. He Didn’t go on Vacation with them! It’s important you understand this or you Risk falling back into a lukewarm state and might as well go back to church.

Every opportunity to interact with people of the world is another occasion to TELL them the Truth. This is NOT a Popularity contest! ‘Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did their fathers to the false prophets’ (Lk6:26) Most of them will disassociate with you (1Pet4:4) But only if you do not compromise the truth. If you suppose that by living a ‘Christian’ life (no smoking, drinking, cussing, ect) they will be influenced and eventually ‘ASK’ you why, WAKE UP! Most people already THINK they’re good enough and going to heaven when they die. Unless you Obey and Pull Down their Strongholds of Delusion, you’re deceiving yourself and becoming guilty of their blood. (2Cor10:4-5, Ezk18:19-26)

Certainly it’s Costly and you will most likely end up isolated from past associates and considered eccentric. But if you refuse this responsibility you will fall into a snare and finally be lost. This is NOT a matter of opinion or something to trifle with. The Master Himself has Commanded it. Are you not shamed by the dedication of the early Disciples who gave everything including their lives to follow Him? Need you be reminded of their exploits recorded in the Bible? What excuses you from Contending for the Faith? Why do your past friends and loved ones still feel so comfortable in your presence. Have you EVER taken the time and effort to sit down with them and make it Crystal Clear what it means to Repent and follow Christ? Have you Warned them about the dangers of false Religious traditions? Do you Fear pointing to the Churches and calling them Apostate? (is that too much for you to bare?)

Would you rather maintain your position in the World than Count the Cost of Real Discipleship? If you refuse to put your relationships with family and friends in jeopardy you may as well go back to the Churches. Why pretend? Is there really much of a difference between their lives and yours? You can always find a lot of nice people inside the Church system. As long as you don’t expose their false teaching or sin, they will love you and you’re welcome at all their dinners, picnics and meetings. Isn’t that what you’re doing now with all your associates, walking on egg shells to keep the peace? Are you so far gone that it’s NOT your Job to Contend or challenge anyone? Why keep kidding yourself, you’re in trouble spiritually. Just because someone is ‘Nice’ doesn’t mean they have the Spirit of Truth dwelling in them.

When you Repented (assuming that you actually did repent) wasn’t there a fire in your belly to tell everyone about Jesus? You didn’t care what anyone thought of you, if they cut ties, so be it. It comes with the territory. You couldn’t wait to Contend and stand firm for the truth. What happened? Who has bewitched you? REMEMBER therefore from where you have fallen and DO your first Works over again! Your lamb stand has been extinguished.


  1. Mike,

    My wife and I are very close friends with a God fearing family that loves God, and living right.
    We both attend a baptist church, are we really in trouble with God? Are there any examples of people leaving a false church in the Bible?
    Thanks for any help you can offer.

    Thomas Kreutz Jr.

  2. There are battles over doctrine in Christianity, but if one does some real hard research, they will find that Jesus wasn't a christian, so followers of his shouldn't be either. His message was sincerity of heart without religion, love motivated by sincere concern for God and others. It's not about arguing doctrine, telling people they believe lies and are going to go to hell unless they change their views, but it's about leading by example and not preaching love, but practicing it in our daily interactions with those around us. God doesn't see religion or belief systems, but He sees the heart, and what it's motives are. Let all religion go and be the person God really wants you to be.
