The Bitter Root of Sin!

looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled; Heb12:15

Professing Christianity today has become a haven of hypocrites and reprobates posing as followers of Jesus Christ. From the Pastors, teachers, theologians on down everyone is a Self Confessed Wretched, Chief of Sinners and Proud of it. They are Convinced that adopting such an attitude about Sin Humbles them. Many Pastors will report that they ‘Repent’ everyday thereby taking the pressure of living a holy life as an example to others off their shoulders.

The Rom 7 Wretched man and 1Tim ‘Chief’ of Sinners lie has almost everyone in the Church System enslaved in their sins. Pastors will use these passages as their iron clad evidence that ALL People are born Sinners and hopelessly in bondage to their evil dispositions and vile habits. The Message is highly revered because it’s the Perfect excuse to live in sin. And once the human Mind embraces this notion the hardening process shifts into high gear. Consider what happened to Esau who allowed that Bitter Root of sin to defile his heart. He went too far and God gave him up!

lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright. For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears. Heb12:16-17

But of course NO ONE has ever presented this important Truth in your church because it would Contradict the Wretched Man theory. And given that the supposed ‘Converts’ in attendance have never really Repented of their sins to begin with, it would also turn world’s upside-down and smash all hope. The Bible MUST remain in line with the Gutted Out teaching being pounded into the minds of the people world-wide. In this Manner the ‘Profane’ can comfortably attend and be FREE from any Guilt that may accuse them of their wrong doings. This is Why the Churches are filled with ‘Esau’ like Sinners, believing they are Saved, but with Hearts like Stone toward the Commands of God.

Can you grasp the horrible Damage this and other teaching in the churches has brought about in our Society? Probably not, if you’re looking from inside the System. To you the alternative is ‘Sinless Perfection’ and everyone knows the Bible doesn’t teach that. Perhaps not, BUT it DOES teach Heart Purity, A Walk Worthy of God, A Departure from iniquity and to GO and Sin NO more! A Profane person is one who will not Yield to God’s Truth or Seek to Cleanse himself of all filthiness and overflow of wickedness to perfect holiness in the fear of God. (James1:21, 2Cor7:1)

Because he sees himself as the CHIEF of Sinners and forever a Wretch, he thinks its God’s job to clean him up in due time. So as he grows more and more Profane with the ultimate outcome exactly what we see running rampant among professed Christians! (Fornication, adultery, drunkenness, homosexuality, child molestation, thievery, lying, cheating, murder… name it! So called ‘Christians’ are doing it!)
It’s an absolute disgrace and Tramples the Blood of Christ as well as Insults the Spirit of Grace! (Heb10:29) ONE thing is absolutely Mandatory in Real Christian Faith, that is HEART PURITY!
He PURIFIED their hearts BY FAITH! Acts15:9.

This happens at initial Salvation, not somewhere ‘down the road’, eventually by some ‘Magic’ formula of Grace. It happens when a person Genuinely Repents of their Sins. That Repentance PRODUCES:
Diligence, Clearing of Wrong Doing, Vehement Desire Change, fear and PURITY of heart! 2Cor7:10-11
Get this into your head and GET down on your knees weeping before God and Pray that SOME Fallow ground remains in your Stony heart and you haven’t reached Esau’s point of no return.

The Bible Teaches that God’s People are SAINTS, who Serve with reverent godly fear in an Acceptable manner. (Heb12:28) True Converts DEPART from Iniquity, not Wallow in it! (2Tim2:19) Sin hardens your heart and Disqualifies you from the Kingdom. (2Cor9:27, 1Cor6:9-10) DOING what is Right makes you Righteous! (1Jh3:6-7) It Doesn’t make you ‘Self-Righteous’!

You’re under Strong Delusion in the System and only a FEW will ever escape in time to really repent. 2Thess2:11-12. Most are not only numb to the truth and hard as Stones, but immune to it as well. It no longer brings about any conviction to their heart. They have trained their conscience to reject the guilt and believe the Lie. They are in a Mindless Bliss (they call peace) but seething with hatred beneath the surface.
Bring them the Truth, you instantly become their mortal enemy.
Living by Faith Means DOING What is Right! (1John3:6-7) ‘He who DOES what is Right is Righteous!’
What is being implied in the present day churches is that if you try to DO anything Right, you’re attempting to Save yourself and thereby ‘under the law’. Thus Modern Christianity has become the LAWLESS religion of the world. In effect the Pastors have neutralized Obedience to the Truth, although they will plead for it at times their own Doctrines conclude that man is off the hook because Jesus obeyed in their place! The Pastors may not definitively say that the Obedience is optional, but it’s strongly implied.

Carefully worded questions will always smoke them out. They CANNOT make Obedience mandatory to the outcome of Salvation. In their Minds, that would be a ‘Works’ Gospel. Most of them will be Vague with their explanations, but if you are able to discern the true nature of false doctrine (always laced with ‘some’ truth!) it’s easy to pick up on their subtleness. WHY will they Never expose false doctrine and they cringe when someone else does? Simple: Because they are PREACHING it! (will you expose yourself?)

Accordingly you can see how easy it is to fall prey under the Wretch-Chief Sinner Message. The whole System is designed around massive deception. The Pastors fear any change, they have no discernment whatsoever and anyone who comes along rocking the boat is branded a Heretic.

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